10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration - Family Carol Service

Join us on the last Sunday of Advent as we celebrate Christmas together - this week is our Family Carol Service with fun and laughter and a message relating to the Christmas story. Our Youth will be presenting a not to be missed drama …………….

Breakfast served from 10:15am, celebration starts at 10:30am, coffee and minced pies served after.

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

Join us as we continue our series Your Liberty in Christ, following the Gary Whetstone’s School of Biblical studies course, delving deeper into all that God has made us to be.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

Join us as we continue our series Your Liberty in Christ, following the Gary Whetstone’s School of Biblical studies course, delving deeper into all that God has made us to be.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

Join us as we continue our series Your Liberty in Christ, following the Gary Whetstone’s School of Biblical studies course, delving deeper into all that God has made us to be.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

Join us as we continue our series Your Liberty in Christ, following the Gary Whetstone’s School of Biblical studies course, delving deeper into all that God has made us to be.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

Join us as we continue our series Your Liberty in Christ, following the Gary Whetstone’s School of Biblical studies course, delving deeper into all that God has made us to be.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

Join us as we continue our series Your Liberty in Christ, following the Gary Whetstone’s School of Biblical studies course, delving deeper into all that God has made us to be.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

Join us as we continue our series Your Liberty in Christ, following the Gary Whetstone’s School of Biblical studies course, delving deeper into all that God has made us to be.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

Join us as we continue our series Your Liberty in Christ, following the Gary Whetstone’s School of Biblical studies course, delving deeper into all that God has made us to be.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

Join us as we start our new series - Foundations, learning about the history and foundations on which Highway church is built

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

John brings the Word this week, so be prepared to be challenged and uplifted.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

Join us this week as we share Testimony from our church members

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we conclude our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration, followed by Baptism on the beach

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am followed by a Baptism on the beach - come and join us for this extra special celebration.

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:00am, celebration starts at 10:30am

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:30am, celebration starts at 10:45

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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Celebration

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Celebration service. Our services comprise of sung worship, a message and prayer time, usually accompanied by tea and coffee.

In our family friendly celebration, we continue our study of the book of Matthew.

Breakfast served from 10:30am, celebration starts at 10:45

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